
Friday, April 27, 2007

New Features in IIS 7 Beta 3

Beta 3 was just signed off and will be posted very soon to

There is so much coolness in IIS 7 in Beta 3 that's hard to know where to start.

We've had several customers beating up this build pretty hard, including This is a good build for the web server platform (can't speak about the rest of it cause I don't know, but from the looks of things, it's all good).

What to look for in IIS7 Beta 3:

Of course, you've heard all about the modular pipeline. Right? what! Snap out of it! This is a big deal.

Shared configuration: You can now configure multiple IIS 7 servers to share a single application host config file. Whohoo! No more metabase replication.

Remote Administration: This is coolness in action. Use https from within IIS manager to connect to another IIS manager. Since it's https, it's firewall friendly and not special ports need to be open. You authenticate to the remote IIS manager using Windows users, or you can define users in the IIS manger that are stored in Administration.config (encrypted credentials of course)

Disable Anon user: So if you disable the anon user in IIS7, anon access is still allowed, but you don't use the built in IUSR account. All anon access occurs as the process identity. If you give each process a unique identity, you also give it a uniqu anon users when this is enabled. Add sandoxing and shared config, and you have a nice package for web farms with secure pools.

App Pool Sandbox: This takes a while to explain, but essentially, each pool winds up with a configuration file that contains only the settings for that pool and can only be read by that pool. In this way, an applicaiton pool cannot revert to self and read the configuration of any other pool.

Extensible UI: The UI is not just new from IIS6, it's a platform in and of itself that can be modifed and updated. Look to Carlos' blog and the downloads page on for new extensions that are already available.

Are you ready for this: New FTP server! released at the same time as beta 3 is a long awaited new FTP server AND yes, it support FTP with SSL (FTPS as I recall as opposed to SFTP). You will find this as a seperate donwload on soon. It is not built into longhorn. When you install this puppy you will see first hand how that we aren't kidding about IIS 7 extensiblity. There will be new UI icons and configuration features. In the past, this is something that only Microsoft or a few ISVs would do (modify the UI and IIS configuration), but since the UI is a Winform app extensiblity built in, and the IIS 7 schema can be extended with just an XML snippet - developers are going to be adding all kinds of newness. BTW, tf you install FTP on Longhorn using the Server Manager or package manager command line, you get the old FTP server in the MMC console.

I know you asking "where can I get more info" and the answer is that papers are being uploaded to very soon. Questions? Ask on the forums.

I got to go, but I'm really psyched about this release. There is a lot more to talk about so stay tuned.

PS. Bill Staples just posted an annoucment to his blog.

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