
Friday, September 22, 2006

Matsush-ita Launches New Blu-Ray DVD Recorders

Matsush-ita to launch new Blu-ray DVD recorders
September 21, 2006 09:48 AEST

TOKYO - Japan's Matsush-ita Electric Industrial said on Wednesday it would start selling two new Blue-ray DVD recorders in Japan on Nov. 15, heating up a format battle for next-generation optical disc technology. Matsush-ita, the maker of Panasonic brand products, belongs to a consortium that promotes the Blu-ray format against a competing standard called HD DVD, which is championed by Japanese electronics conglomerate Toshiba.

At the core of both formats are blue lasers, which have a shorter wavelength than the red lasers used in current DVD equipment, allowing discs to store data the higher densities needed for high-definition movies and television. Electronics makers are hoping the spread of digital broadcasting and growing sales of flat screen TVs will help spur on demand for high-definition recording equipment, much like the introduction of the DVD gave the industry a boost in the 1990s.

"Expectations are increasing for a next-generation media that can record high-definition images and store them," Shigenobu Hirahara, associate director of the corporate marketing division for Panasonic brand in Japan, told a news conference. Matsush-ita said the November launch would make it the first to market with recorders that can also play back pre-packaged Blu-ray video discs, although Toshiba began selling a HD DVD player/recorder two months ago and Sony said last week that it planned to offer a Blu-ray recorder able to play back pre-packaged discs by the end of this year.

Matsush-ita said a recorder able to store 200 gigabytes of data on its hard drive would sell for about 240,000 yen (US$2,045) and a 500 gigabyte model for 300,000 yen. The latter can store about 63 hours of terrestrial digital broadcasting. It plans to produce 3,000 units of each model per month.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In Indian Price what will be the price of the Blue-ray disc